How often do you say, "I love you?" Who do you say it to? Do you find yourself using the safer, more superficial version, “love u," instead? Or is it reserved for just family and intimate relationships? More recently, I have become aware of how...
Read full postHave you ever noticed how once you get interested in a particular car suddenly you see it everywhere? This is because you have activated your awareness and you are more "tuned in" to this specific car. (This is also called the Baader-Mei...
Read full postHow many times, when we come home tired and feeling frustrated, do we tell our partner about the problem, only to be infuriated by their immediate offerings of suggestions of things we can do to make a situation better? Aaaargh! I ...
Read full postAt the risk of being labeled something that is not politically correct, I am going to share one of my absolutely favorite pieces of psychological wisdom: the feminine and masculine are intrinsically different from one another and that manifest...
Read full postWhat we do (all of it) is community service! This idea about community service is one of many of our internal “tag lines” at Morpheus. It has multiple meanings -- from the daily work that we do (where we believe that helping pe...
Read full postNot really supposed to be reporting on this stuff now, but cannot help announcing that in addition to humans, our team is helping animals. Today we spent a fair bit of time getting some cattle (including a calf at risk of drowning) herded up t...
Read full postBlog Post 2 CATF4: Due to the rabid nature of the media and it's ability, no, absolute inclination to sensationalize minute amounts of information, the team has been briefed regarding our position as federal employees, and the policies regardi...
Read full postWe have been driving since 11:00 PM on Saturday 8/26 and it is now 8:00AM/10:00AM (PDT/CDT) Monday 8/28 and we are just arriving in Lubbock Texas on our way to Houston in response to the flood disaster created by Hurricane Harvey. We are a tea...
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