MatrixPro Radio Frequency Microneedling System from Candela

Before undergoing MatrixPro treatment, the woman's face exhibited noticeable puffiness around the eyes and wrinkles
Women's face after Matrix Pro treatment at our Santa Rosa med Spa

The Best and Newest Radio Frequency Microneedling System!

Have you heard of Morpheus8 or Scarlet or Vivace? MatrixPro by Candela is the newest Radio Frequency Microneedling (RFMN) technology that is more effective, flexible, and powerful than any of those machines! But, of course, there are limits to what the company can say or advertise because of FDA regulations regarding medical devices. Still, from our experience, the MatrixPro does amazing things!

- Improves texture and really reduces the appearance of acne scars, fine lines, and "crepe skin."
- Tightens and firms tissue by stimulating collagen and elastin formation
- Helps to reduce unwanted subcutaneous fat!

We are thrilled to now offer MatrixPro at both our Santa Rosa and Larkspur, CA, locations as a stand-alone or multi-treatment series. Please fill out our online contact form, give us a call, or send us an email to schedule your free consultation with one of our skilled providers at Morpheus Medical Aesthetics. We are happy to answer any questions and address any concerns you may have.

What parts of my body can be treated with MatrixPro?

Book NowAt Morpheus Medical Aesthetics, we tend to specialize in treatments that focus on your face's skin, health, and appearance. Dr. Chilcott always jokes that "your face starts at your hairline and ends at your nipples," so we are talking about a bit more area than is typical. Although the MatrixPro technology is promising for other areas of the body, we are only using it to treat the (actual) face, neck, and décolletage.



How many MatrixPro treatments do I need?

Although many people notice improvements after just a single treatment, at Morpheus Medical Aesthetics, we strongly recommend doing a series of three treatments, each spaced about five weeks apart. Typically, it takes about five weeks for your body to "get going" on its response to each treatment, so when we see you for your second and third treatments, you should already be seeing some of the effects from the first treatment and the improvements will continue for several months! Treatments are available at both our Santa Rosa and Larkspur, CA, locations.

Profile photo of female patient's face showing before her MatrixPro treatment at our Santa Rosa medspa
Profile photo of female patient showint the positive result after a MatrixPro session

How much "downtime" should I expect after MatrixPro?

The absence of significant downtime is one of the most remarkable qualities that separates the MatrixPro from other RFMN (Radio Frequency Microneedling) devices out there, such as Morpheus8! Our experience has shown that after your MatrixPro treatment, you will be mildly to moderately pink for the rest of the day, but the next day you should be back to "normal." That means that although you may not see immediate results, you will not feel you need to hide and clear your schedule.

How do I get the best results from my MatrixPro treatment?

An added bonus with our three treatment series is that as part of your aftercare, we will treat you with (plated) Intensive Serum – a revolutionary product made by Rion from donated human platelets. Rion's Plated is a highly concentrated yet lightweight serum enriched with growth factors and antioxidants to help your skin diminish the appearance of wrinkles, brown spots, redness, and dullness and aids in healing after your treatment(s).


If you are tired of dealing with fine lines, wrinkles, excessive acne scarring, or even stretch marks, give Morpheus Medical Aesthetics a call at (707) 921-7447 or fill out our online contact form to get started with your MatrixPro journey today. We look forward to helping you reclaim that youthful, flawless look you have always wanted.