Cherry Tomatoes

Beauty is all around us!

Have you ever noticed how once you get interested in a particular car suddenly you see it everywhere?  This is because you have activated your awareness and you are more “tuned in” to this specific car.  (This is also called the Baader-Meinhof phenomenon.) Well, I want to challenge myself and others to look for beauty and joy such that we get to experience more of those feelings. What we look for is what we see.  It is very difficult for us to notice what we are not trying to notice.I happened upon this little tomato plant growing in a back alley the other day and was taken by it’s pop of color in amongst the grey of gravel.  I also admired its courage to just defy the odds and grow up in an unlikely place.  I am looking for beauty, color and courage… 

What are you looking for today? Dr. C