Laser Skin Resurfacing with Clear+Brilliant

Nothing shows our age quite like the condition of our skin. With this in mind, are you looking to refresh your skin and restore its youthful glow? If yes, you came to the right place!

Book NowDiscover the remarkable benefits of Clear+Brilliant laser treatment, available at Morpheus Medical Aesthetics ate our Larkspur and Santa Rosa medical spas. Factors that commonly occur over time, such as collagen reduction, skin sagging, and the formation of wrinkles, can make us appear years older than we are – or simply older than we want to look. Wouldn't it be lovely if you had a magic wand you could wave to stop those changes in their tracks?

Morpheus Medical Aesthetics has the magic wand you are looking for to reverse damage due to sun exposure, environmental pollution and the passage of time. Clear+Brilliant laser treatments are just one of many skin rejuvenating treatments we offer, and we would love to show you what these revolutionary devices can do for your skin.

Clear+Brilliant Laser

What is Clear+Brilliant and How does it Work?

Clear+Brilliant is a cutting-edge, non-invasive laser treatment designed to address a range of skin concerns and revitalize your complexion. Whether you are dealing with uneven skin tone, fine lines, rough texture, or simply seeking a radiant boost, Clear+Brilliant laser can help you achieve your skin goals. Clear+Brilliant laser treatments provide the tool you need to fight the visible signs of facial aging. The gentle yet effective process offers a noninvasive method of enhancing your skin by reducing wrinkles, fine lines and brown spots for a smoother texture and a healthy glow. Unlike other laser devices, Clear+Brilliant is safe and effective for all skin tones and ethnicities.

Clear+Brilliant is a revolutionary laser device that delivers energy into the dermal structure to stimulate collagen production. Our bodies begin producing lower levels of collagen as early as our 20s, resulting in loose skin, wrinkles and a dull skin tone. By restoring collagen levels, we can also reverse those unwanted changes and produce a brighter, more radiant complexion. This laser employs a fractional laser technology that is gentle on the skin while delivering impressive results. It creates microscopic treatment zones, stimulating the body's natural healing process.

Who is a Good Candidate for the Clear+Brilliant Treatment?

Patients of all ages can reap the benefits of Clear+Brilliant lase skin resurfacing. This device addresses the following concerns:

  • Fine lines around the eyes, cheeks, or mouth
  • Rough or uneven skin texture
  • Skin that has lost its luster
  • Brown spots, freckles, or other pigmentation irregularities
  • Enlarged pores

The gentleness of the device allows it to be used on any skin type and tone. If you have been told you are not a good candidate for laser skin rejuvenation due to your darker skin tone, you haven't checked into Clear+Brilliant. Schedule an appointment with us today to find out if this is the right laser treatment for you!

What to Expect During Treatment

During your Clear+Brilliant laser session, you will experience a gentle yet effective sensation as the laser technology targets the skin's deeper layers. Most patients find the treatment to be well-tolerated, and a topical numbing cream can be applied for enhanced comfort. The procedure typically takes around 10 to 30 minutes, making it a convenient lunchtime option.

Some patients opt to have a topical numbing cream applied before their Clear+Brilliant session. This step ensures your procedure will be completely comfortable but does add to your treatment time. Note that the topical anesthetic usually takes about 20 minutes to take effect.

You will rest comfortably while we move the applicator over your skin in the treatment area. You should not feel more than a rubber band snap as the laser energy is delivered. Once your treatment is completed, you should be able to return to your regular activities right away.

What to Expect After Treatment

Your skin might be red and tender after your treatment, comparable to a sunburn. It is critical to protect freshly treated skin from sun exposure as it will be especially vulnerable to damage. Your skin may also feel drier than usual for the first few days. We will recommend skincare products to use that accelerate the healing process and enhance the results of your procedure. By day four or five, it is unlikely anyone will be able to tell that you had a procedure done – unless it is to notice how refreshed you look!

You might also notice an initial improvement in your skin's texture and tone. However, the full benefits will gradually emerge as your body's natural rejuvenation processes take place. For optimal results, a series of sessions is recommended, allowing for ongoing enhancement.

How Long does Clear+Brilliant Last?

Once your skin heals, which typically takes five to seven days, you should see the positive results of your treatment. Your skin should be smoother and softer, with a visible reduction in fine lines and brown spots. Texture and tone should also be more consistent, and you will likely be sporting a healthy glow.

While a single treatment is likely to produce some impressive results, you will likely need to schedule a series of sessions for the best possible outcome. We usually recommend four treatment sessions spaced about four to six weeks apart. We do offer discounted packages to make the treatment more affordable.

Once you have achieved your final look, a touch-up session once a year should be enough to help you maintain your healthy radiance. Regular Clear+Brilliant treatments are also useful in warding off signs of aging and sun damage, so you keep your youthful glow for as long as you like.

Stop Time in its Tracks

Time, sun, and other factors (environmental exposure, health conditions, etc.) can wreak havoc with your complexion, causing an array of changes you might not welcome. Treatments like Clear+Brilliant stop time in its tracks, allowing you to enjoy your vibrant appearance indefinitely.

To find out if Clear+Brilliant is the best treatment for you, contact Morpheus Medical Aesthetics today in Santa Rosa at (707) 921-7447 or in Larkspur at (415) 924-1330.


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