Morpheus Medical Aesthetics' Team

What is a Vaginal Rejuvenation Treatment?

With so many different products on the market, it is challenging to figure out what treatments are worth the effort, especially when it comes to vaginal rejuvenation. Unfortunately, feminine health has always had a bit of a stigma surrounding it tha...

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Healthy New Year

Wishing You All A Happy & HEALTHY New Year

A few months ago, I was telling friends and family that I would not get vaccinated on the first round of anti-Covid19 vaccination opportunities. Further, I recommended they wait too. I did not trust the rushed clinical trial process. Well, as I have...

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Collage cartoon of Self Care beauty products including retinol

Retinols, Retin-A, and Tretinoin – OH MY!

To the untrained ear, all these words blend together and mean the same thing. I will admit that when I first started in this industry a decade ago, I pretended I knew the difference but was merely “faking it ’til I made it.” After years of wor...

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100th anniversary of women's right to vote poster

#VOTE! It is a Privilege and a Responsibility

Truthfully I, like many people right now, feel exhausted by the anger and negativity of politics.  I will admit to keeping my head in the sand and avoiding the news.  But, I am DONE being an ostrich.I am writing this because I must use wha...

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Morpheus Medical Aesthetics Staff

The New Normal in the World of COVID19

The New Normal - Rules of Engagement in the World of COVID19 It has been a little while since I wrote anything here on our blog, but it is definitely time to do it now!  On June 1st, we will be re-opening for regular services (and additional new...

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Morpheus Medical Aesthetics Team

Are You Stuck in Limiting Beliefs?

Last summer I had someone tell me if I could overcome my limiting beliefs, I would go further and experience a more fulfilling life. I hilariously replied that I didn’t have any limiting beliefs. Oh boy was I mistaken, happily so because it’s be...

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Who Wins? The Angel or The Devil

We all have two voices, one of fear and one of love and they are both fighting for our attention. It is the idea of an Angel on one shoulder and the Devil on the other shoulder. We’ve seen this played out in movies, TV shows and commercials, it is...

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Ever Wonder What Your Life’s Purpose Is?

I hear this all the time, people wanting to find their purpose, that there has to be more to life than what they’ve been living. I used to struggle with this feeling of being stuck and dissatisfied with life.  I felt I needed to do something ...

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Grateful graphic with cartoon of Marisha Chilcott


Gratitude and Appreciation We start each of our mornings at Morpheus with a “huddle” that’s is initiated by each of us sharing with the rest of the team something we are celebrating or for which we are feeling grateful. It’s a practice th...

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Marisha and friend

I LOVE YOU! vs. ‘luv you…

How often do you say, "I love you?" Who do you say it to? Do you find yourself using the safer, more superficial version, “love u," instead? Or is it reserved for just family and intimate relationships? More recently, I have become aware of how...

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Tree with red leaves

Fall is here…

In spite of the recent heatwave, the shortening days tell us that summer is fading and autumn is upon us.  This season of change creates a mood ready for improvements and we at Morpheus are no different.  We are excited to be rolling out n...

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Doctor Marisha Chilcott at a speaking engagement

Honored to be a speaker!

I have had the privilege to speak this week at the H.E.A.T. International Congress on Anti-Aging Medicine in Thailand among dozens of other leaders in the field of pursing health, rather than only focusing on responding to sickness.  (I will wr...

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